Wednesday, April 26, 2017


In this room, I noticed that this is a modern room and everything is slick and smooth lines. I wanted to change that and add areas of this place with texture and movement. 

Opposite, Digital, Photoshop CC 2017.


I decided to make something similar in process that I've done in high school. I created a room and cut out magazine pages to fit the walls, ceiling, and furniture for the room. So I did the same idea but digitally.

First I found an image of a room that inspired me to create this room. I then outlined in a new layer each section that I was going to put in each area.

I wanted to the stars on the ceiling, but I knew I wanted a cluster of them near the area where the chandelier was. This to give it some effect that the lights from the chandelier was reflecting off into the sky.

I proceeded to do this to every area that i wanted to change. So I added a green scenery. And decided to show the opposite of that in the walls.

I wanted to change the rug into something different. I didn't want to do something dealing with nature though. So I chose a swirl of table cloths in different colors. 

Then I finished changing the walls. 

Reflected, Digital, Photoshop CC 2017.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

3D Dog Eye

The next thing we tried to make was a 3D eye in photoshop. In the 3D tab we created and sphere from mesh and I decided to keep the light source in the front of the eye. Then I flattened the sphere and duplicated it making a smaller sphere.

I selected the inner sphere and with the color balancing tool changed the colors to a orangish brown color. 

Afterwards I created a circle to make the iris and pupil of the eye. Then I used the gradient tool and filled it in to create the eye color and the pupil. Then on the bigger sphere that we made first I used the levels tool to create the darker area around the eye. 

I wanted to make the eye a little more realistic and detailed so I created a new layer and used a round fan stiff thin bristle brush and added highlights and shadows around the iris. 

I then decided that i didn't like the second sphere that was smaller so i decided to get rid of it. I then added light reflection on the eye and decided to go ahead and make the area of the dog around the eye. I used the line tool to create where the skin meets the eye and warped it to make all of the curves. 

Then I selected the area around the lines and in a new layer filled it with the color black. Then I colored around the eye with a brown color to give a base coat for the skin since dogs have less hair around their eyes. I then created a shadow on the top part of the eyes to give it some depth from where the brow bone of the dog is. 

I then used that same brush from earlier on the iris for the fur. I used grays, browns, and black brushing in the direction that the dog hairs grow. 

Then I created a new layer and used pinks and the same brush to create the fur and skin around the areas around the eye. 

Then after all of that I used the Gaussian Blur filter to blur everything out. 

Dog Eye, Digital, Photoshop CC 2017

3D Dog nose

This week in class we were making 3D objects in photoshop. The first one that I made was a dog nose. In the 3D tab I created a cone from mesh and moved the toggle around to change the direction of light. Then I flattened the image and made the cone more softer and getting rid of the point with the puppet warp tool. Then I proceeded to add layer upon layer of color to color in the nose. The texture of dogs noses reminds me of cobblestones. So I found an image online and turned the opacity down and changed the layer from normal to linear light to get the details of the pavement to create the texture of the nose.

Dog Nose, Digital, Photoshop CC 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

Blue Girl

Today we made Picasso inspired art. My favorite pieces that he has done is the Old Guitarist piece. Blue is my favorite color and I also relate it to a song that I loved when I was younger called "Im Blue" by Eiffel 65. But that isn't the only reason why I like this piece. I've learned that one of the reasons why during Picasso's blue period was what it was because back then paint was expensive to buy and that blue paint could have been the only paint he had or was the cheapest to buy. This to me would kinda be depressing if you didn't have any money.This would also tie into the feeling, his Blue Period gave off. I was also fascinated to find out that under the Guitarist painting, is another painting. There is a possibility that he didn't have any money and so he had to resort to painting over one of his other pieces. Thats why I was inspired to make a piece like this. 

What I did was used a frontal profile photo of myself and then in a new layer and added a side profile picture of me. The side profile picture, I changed to opacity of the image to 50% and then tired to line up my face as best as I could. 

Afterwards I created a new layer and outlined myself with the paint tool. 

Then I selected different areas and filled them with different shades of blue. Then in the background I used the gradient tool and filled it in with different shades of blue. 

Then I went to the filters and in the stylize tab I used the Oil Paint filter on the whole image. 

Blue Girl, Digital, Photoshop CC 2017.