Wednesday, April 12, 2017

3D Dog Eye

The next thing we tried to make was a 3D eye in photoshop. In the 3D tab we created and sphere from mesh and I decided to keep the light source in the front of the eye. Then I flattened the sphere and duplicated it making a smaller sphere.

I selected the inner sphere and with the color balancing tool changed the colors to a orangish brown color. 

Afterwards I created a circle to make the iris and pupil of the eye. Then I used the gradient tool and filled it in to create the eye color and the pupil. Then on the bigger sphere that we made first I used the levels tool to create the darker area around the eye. 

I wanted to make the eye a little more realistic and detailed so I created a new layer and used a round fan stiff thin bristle brush and added highlights and shadows around the iris. 

I then decided that i didn't like the second sphere that was smaller so i decided to get rid of it. I then added light reflection on the eye and decided to go ahead and make the area of the dog around the eye. I used the line tool to create where the skin meets the eye and warped it to make all of the curves. 

Then I selected the area around the lines and in a new layer filled it with the color black. Then I colored around the eye with a brown color to give a base coat for the skin since dogs have less hair around their eyes. I then created a shadow on the top part of the eyes to give it some depth from where the brow bone of the dog is. 

I then used that same brush from earlier on the iris for the fur. I used grays, browns, and black brushing in the direction that the dog hairs grow. 

Then I created a new layer and used pinks and the same brush to create the fur and skin around the areas around the eye. 

Then after all of that I used the Gaussian Blur filter to blur everything out. 

Dog Eye, Digital, Photoshop CC 2017

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